- Classes
- Objects
- Arrays
- Variables
- Loops
- Numbers
- Strings
- Exceptions
- Regexp
- Inheritance
- Static Keyword
- Abstract Keyword
- Interfaces
- Constructors
- Packages
- Nested Classes
- Final Keyword
- Frame
- Panel
- Listener
- Combo Box
- Label
- Image
- Menu
- Table
- Layout
- Drawing
- Timer
- Designer
- Lists
- Comparable
- Sets
- Maps
- Generics
- Properties
- Streams
- Json
- Sublime Text
- Apache Ant
- I/O
- Streams IO
- Socket
- Watching Files
- Logger
- Clipboard
- Encrypt
- Openjfx
- Scene Builder
- First App
- Jar Archive
- On Action
- Change Listener
In Java polymorphism is the ability of an object to take many forms.
* In Java the object can be different types (polymorphism).
* To access a subtype method from a super type object ...
* you must cast the object with subtype.
package com.minte9.oop.polymorphism;
public class Casting {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Animal a1 = new Dog(); // reference is an Animal
Animal a2 = new Cat(); // object is a Cat
(Dog) a1).barking() // Look Here
// myDog is roaming (super method)
// myCat is eating (super method)
// myDog is barking (Dog method)
class Animal {
protected String name;
public String eating() {
return name + " is eating (super method)";
public String roaming() {
return name + " is roaming (super method)";
class Dog extends Animal {
public Dog() {
name = "myDog";
public String barking() {
return name + " is barking (Dog method)";
class Cat extends Animal {
public Cat() {
name = "myCat";
You can declare the method parameter as a super-class type.
* Polymorphism and Dependency Injection
* Using polymorphism we can pass object as parameters ...
* and call object's super methods.
package com.minte9.oop.polymorphism;
public class Parameter {
public static void main(String[] args) {
File file = new File();
Csv csv = new Csv();
Xml xml = new Xml();
file.open(csv); // CSV opened
file.open(xml); // XML opened
class Item {
protected String type;
public void open() {
System.out.println(type + " opened"); // PO
class Csv extends Item {
public Csv() {
type = "CSV";
class Xml extends Item {
public Xml() {
type = "XML";
class File {
public void open(Item item) { // DI
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