LearnRemember / JAVASCRIPT


A variable assigned to an object stores a reference to it.
 * Variable, alwayas copied as value
 * Objects, stored by reference
 * When we copy an object, the resulted two variables ...
 * are references to tht same object

let a = "Hello World";
let A = {
    'name': 'John',
    'age': 30,

let x = a; // copy by value
let B = A; // copy by reference = 'Sam'; // changes reference object

console.log(A === B);           // true
console.log( == 'Sam');   // true (copy by reference)
console.log( != 'John');  // true


Two objects are equal only if they are the same object.
 * Two independent objects are not equal, 
 * even thought they look alike

let A = {};
let B = {};
let C = B;

console.log(A == B);  // false (different objects)
console.log(C === B); // true (reference to the same object)

  Last update: 531 days ago