Vectors Similarity
Any text can be represented as a vector. The word london occurs 2 times in A and 1 time in B. We can find the cos similarity between these two vectors.
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from icecream import ic
# Sample text strings
A = 'London Paris London'
B = 'Paris Paris London'
# Create an instance of CountVectorizer
cv = CountVectorizer()
# Convert the text strings into a frequency matrix
# Each unique word becomes a feature (column) in the matrix
matrix = cv.fit_transform([A, B])
# Calculate the cosine similarity between the vectors
# Since there are two documents, this results in a 2x2 matrix
# Diagonal elements are the self-similarity scores (1.0)
# Off-diagonal elements are the cross-document similarity scores
similarity_scores = cosine_similarity(matrix)
ic| cv.get_feature_names_out(): array(['london', 'paris'], dtype=object)
ic| matrix: <2x2 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
with 4 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>
ic| matrix.toarray(): array([[2, 1],
[1, 2]])
ic| similarity_scores: array([[1. , 0.8],
[0.8, 1. ]])
Combine Features
With scikit library count vectorizer we can represent texts as vectors. We can combine relevant features and compute similarity score. We can sort by similarity score x[1] in descending order. After sorting, we exclude the first element, which is the movie itself.
""" Knn / Movie recommendation system (scikit)
import pathlib
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
movies = pd.read_csv(DIR / 'data/movies_dataset2.csv')
# New combined feature
def combine_features(row):
return str(row['genres']) + " " + str(row['cast']) + " " + str(row['keywords'])
movies['combined_features'] = movies.apply(combine_features, axis=1)
# Similarity
cv = CountVectorizer()
count_matrix = cv.fit_transform(movies['combined_features'])
cosine_similarity = cosine_similarity(count_matrix)
# Find the 10 most similiar movies
def predict_movies(name):
index = movies[movies['original_title'].str.contains(name)].index[0]
similar_movies = list(enumerate(cosine_similarity[index]))
# Sort by score in descending order
similar_sorted = sorted(similar_movies, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[1:]
# Output results
for neighbor in similar_sorted[:10]:
movie_index = neighbor[0]
data = movies.iloc[movie_index]
original_title = data['original_title']
genres = data['genres']
rating = str(data['vote_average'])
print(original_title + " | " + genres + " | Rating: " + rating)
Guardians of the Galaxy | Action Science Fiction Adventure | Rating: 7.9
Star Trek Into Darkness | Action Adventure Science Fiction | Rating: 7.4
Star Trek Beyond | Action Adventure Science Fiction | Rating: 6.6
Alien | Horror Action Thriller Science Fiction | Rating: 7.9
Star Wars: Clone Wars (Volume 1) | Action ... Fiction | Rating: 8.0
Planet of the Apes | Thriller Science Fiction Action Adventure | Rating: 5.6
Moonraker | Action Adventure Thriller Science Fiction | Rating: 5.9
Galaxy Quest | Comedy Family Science Fiction | Rating: 6.9
Gravity | Science Fiction Thriller Drama | Rating: 7.3
Jupiter Ascending | Science Fiction Fantasy Action Adventure | Rating: 5.2
Movies Similarity
Calculate the similarity between two movies. A lower similarity score indicates greater similarity.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
from scipy import spatial
import pathlib
DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
# Load the preprocessed data
with open(DIR / 'data/movies_processed.pkl', 'rb') as f:
# Deserialize the data from the file and assign it to variable
movies = pickle.load(f)
def similarity(a, b):
Calculate the similarity between two movies.
a (dict): A dictionary containing features of the first movie.
b (dict): A dictionary containing features of the second movie.
float: A similarity score, where a lower score indicates greater similarity.
# Calculate the cosine distance for the genres of the movies
d1 = spatial.distance.cosine(a['genres_bin'], b['genres_bin'])
# Calculate the cosine distance for the cast of the movies
d2 = spatial.distance.cosine(a['cast_bin'], b['cast_bin'])
# Calculate the cosine distance for the keywords of the movies
d3 = spatial.distance.cosine(a['keywords_bin'], b['keywords_bin'])
# Return the sum of the three distances as the overall similarity score
return d1 + d2 + d3
def predict_similar_movies(movie_title):
name = "Avatar" # input('Enter a movie title: ')
new_movie = movies[movies['original_title'].str.contains(movie_title, case=False, regex=False)].iloc[0]
print('\nSelected Movie: ', new_movie.original_title, "\n")
# Convert new_movie to a series for efficiency
new_movie_series = new_movie[['genres_bin', 'cast_bin', 'keywords_bin']]
# Calculate distances in a vectorized way
distances = movies.apply(lambda x: similarity(new_movie_series, x)
if x['new_id'] != new_movie['new_id'] else np.inf, axis=1)
# Get the 10 most similar movies
nearest_neighbors = distances.nsmallest(11).index
for neighbor_idx in nearest_neighbors:
if neighbor_idx != # Exclude the selected movie itself
neighbor = movies.loc[neighbor_idx]
print(f"{neighbor['original_title']} | Genres: {neighbor['genres']} | Rating: {neighbor['vote_average']}")
predict_similar_movies("Star Trek")
Selected Movie: Avatar
Star Trek Into Darkness | Genres: ['Action', 'Adventure', 'ScienceFiction'] | Rating: 7.4
Jupiter Ascending | Genres: ['ScienceFiction', 'Fantasy', 'Action', 'Adventure'] | Rating: 5.2
Guardians of the Galaxy | Genres: ['Action', 'ScienceFiction', 'Adventure'] | Rating: 7.9
Clash of the Titans | Genres: ['Adventure', 'Fantasy', 'Action'] | Rating: 5.6
John Carter | Genres: ['Action', 'Adventure', 'ScienceFiction'] | Rating: 6.1
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides | Genres: ['Adventure', 'Action', 'Fantasy'] | Rating: 6.4
The Fifth Element | Genres: ['Adventure', 'Fantasy', 'Action', 'Thriller', 'ScienceFiction'] | Rating: 7.3
The Time Machine | Genres: ['ScienceFiction', 'Adventure', 'Action'] | Rating: 5.8
Superman Returns | Genres: ['Adventure', 'Fantasy', 'Action', 'ScienceFiction'] | Rating: 5.4
Man of Steel | Genres: ['Action', 'Adventure', 'Fantasy', 'ScienceFiction'] | Rating: 6.5
X-Men: Days of Future Past | Genres: ['Action', 'Adventure', 'Fantasy', 'ScienceFiction'] | Rating: 7.5
Selected Movie: Titanic
Revolutionary Road | Genres: ['Drama', 'Romance'] | Rating: 6.7
The Great Gatsby | Genres: ['Drama', 'Romance'] | Rating: 7.3
Romeo + Juliet | Genres: ['Drama', 'Romance'] | Rating: 6.7
Iris | Genres: ['Drama', 'Romance'] | Rating: 6.2
The Beach | Genres: ['Drama', 'Adventure', 'Romance', 'Thriller'] | Rating: 6.3
All the King's Men | Genres: ['Drama', 'Thriller'] | Rating: 5.7
The Reader | Genres: ['Drama', 'Romance'] | Rating: 7.2
Sense and Sensibility | Genres: ['Drama', 'Romance'] | Rating: 7.2
Little Children | Genres: ['Romance', 'Drama'] | Rating: 6.9
What's Eating Gilbert Grape | Genres: ['Romance', 'Drama'] | Rating: 7.5
Cruel Intentions | Genres: ['Drama', 'Romance', 'Thriller'] | Rating: 6.6
Selected Movie: Star Trek Into Darkness
Star Trek Beyond | Genres: ['Action', 'Adventure', 'ScienceFiction'] | Rating: 6.6
Star Trek | Genres: ['ScienceFiction', 'Action', 'Adventure'] | Rating: 7.4
Avatar | Genres: ['Action', 'Adventure', 'Fantasy', 'ScienceFiction'] | Rating: 7.2
Transformers: Age of Extinction | Genres: ['ScienceFiction', 'Action', 'Adventure'] | Rating: 5.8
Guardians of the Galaxy | Genres: ['Action', 'ScienceFiction', 'Adventure'] | Rating: 7.9
Captain America: Civil War | Genres: ['Adventure', 'Action', 'ScienceFiction'] | Rating: 7.1
Oblivion | Genres: ['Action', 'ScienceFiction', 'Adventure', 'Mystery'] | Rating: 6.4
Pacific Rim | Genres: ['Action', 'ScienceFiction', 'Adventure'] | Rating: 6.7
Avengers: Age of Ultron | Genres: ['Action', 'Adventure', 'ScienceFiction'] | Rating: 7.3
Riddick | Genres: ['ScienceFiction', 'Action', 'Thriller'] | Rating: 6.2
Ender's Game | Genres: ['ScienceFiction', 'Action', 'Adventure'] | Rating: 6.6
Last update: 450 days ago