Try Catch
An exception from a try block is passed on to catch block.
try {
//$number = 1/0;
$number = -1;
if ($number < 0) {
throw new Exception ("The number is negative");
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage(); // Division by zero
Exception class can be extended, to use different nested try/catch blocks.
class MyException extends Exception {}
try {
$number = -1;
if ($number < 0) {
throw new MyException("Invalid number");
$number = 1/0;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage(); // Division by zero
} catch (MyException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage(); // Division by zero
PHP allows to define a catch-all function that is automatically called.
function handleUncaughtExcetion($e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
throw new Exception ("My error!"); // My error!
echo "This is never displayed";
// Without exception handler, we will have:
// Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'My error!'
Last update: 496 days ago