LearnRemember / PHP


Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string.
echo strpos("abc", "a"); // 0
echo strpos("abca", "a", 1); // 3
echo strpos("abcaa", "a", 4); // 4
echo stripos("Abc", "a"); // 0 (case insensitive)
echo strpos("route_OLD", "_OLD"); // Output: 5
echo strrpos("route_OLD_OLD", "_OLD"); // Output: 9 - reverse


Find the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string.
echo strpos('abc', 'd') === FALSE; // 1
echo strpos('abc', 'd') === NULL; // 0
echo strripos("abcB", "b"); // 3


This function returns the {{portion of the haystack that starts with the needle. In general, strstr() is slower than strpos().
echo strstr("", "@"); //
echo strstr("", "@", true); // name


Extract a substring from a larger string.
echo substr("123456", 0); // 123456
echo substr("123456", -1); // 6
echo substr("123456", -2); // 56
echo substr("123456", -3, 1); // 4

Word count

Return information about words used in a string.
echo str_word_count('abc def ghi'); // 3
print_r(str_word_count('abc def ghi', 1)); // [abc, def, ghi]

  Last update: 531 days ago