Parentheses can remember text matched by the subexpression they enclose.
: "Backreference
Parentheses can remember text matched by subexpression
([a-z]) \1
You can have more than one set of parentheses
Use \1, \2, etc to refer to first, second / -o only-matches
Other uses of parantheses:
To limit the scope of alternation (a|b)
To group multiple characters to apply quantifiers (abc)?
the the theory
the theory
an an answer
an answer
cat cat category
cat category
echo $A | grep '\<the +the\>' -o -E | tee result.txt
echo $A | grep '\<(an) +\1\>' -o -E | tee result.txt -a
echo $A | grep '\<([a-z]+) \1\>' -o -E | tee result.txt -a
echo $A | grep '\<([a-z]+) \1\>' -E --colour

the the
an an
the the
an an
cat cat
Last update: 514 days ago