Non capturing
The preceding =~ links m/.../ with the string to be searched.
#!/bin/perl -l
The surrounding ^$ ensures that the entire string contains only digits
You can use the special notation (?: ), which group but not capture
This ?: has no relation to the optional ? metacharacter
$s = '0728824242';
$p = '^[0-9]+$';
if ($s =~ m/$p/) {
print 'only digits';
$s = '-98.6 F';
$p = '^([-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?) (?:[CF])$';
if( $s =~ m/$p/) {
print $1; # -98.6
print $2; # .6
print $3; # null, not captured
Last update: 514 days ago