LearnRemember / PYTHON

Syntax Errors

""" Syntax error refers to the structure and the rules

print(1 + 2

    SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

Runtime Errors

""" Runtime errors does not appear until after the program has started
    Those type of errors are called exceptions

first = "Hello"
second = "World"

print(first + " " + secoend)

    NameError: name 'secoend' is not defined

Semantic Errors

Semantic errors will not generate errors but it will not do the right thing.
""" Semantic errors will not generate errors but it will not do the right thing.
    The program performs concatenation instead of addition
    The programmer failed to convert the inputs to integers

a = input('Enter number 1: ')
b = input('Enter number 2: ')
sum = a + b

assert sum == (int(a) + int(b)), "Assertion Failed"

    AssertionError: Assertion Failed

Catch Errors

""" Use try/except statements to catch errors

def calc(number, divider):
        return number/divider
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        print('Error: Division by zero')
        print('Error: Invalid argument')

assert calc(10, 2) == 5
assert calc(10, 0) == None

    Error: Division by zero

  Last update: 210 days ago