Prevent xss attacks with html escape.
""" XSS
Prevent cross site scriting attacks
Escape html tags with html library
import html
a = """& < " ' >"""
x = html.escape(a)
b = "<script>alert('hack');</script>"
y = html.escape(b)
print(x) # & < " ' >
print(y) # <script>alert('hack');</script>
The sax library escape should execute faster.
""" XSS
Prevent cross site scriting attacks
The sax library escape should execute faster
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr
a = '< & >'
x = escape(a)
b = "a ' b"
y = quoteattr(b)
assert x == '< & >'
assert y == '"a \' b"'
Last update: 496 days ago