LearnRemember / PYTHON


A dictonary represents a mapping from keys to values
# A dictonary represents a mapping ...
# from keys to values
# In a list, the index have to be integer ...
# in a dictionary it can be any type.

# Create a dictionary using dict()

D = dict()
D["one"] = "uno"

assert D.get("one") == "uno"
assert D.get("one") != None
assert D.get("one") != "one"

# Creates a dictionary using {}

D = {
    "one": "uno",
    "two": "dos",
    "three": "tres",

assert D.get("two") == "dos"
assert D["two"] == "dos"

# in operator

assert "one" in D
assert ("dos" in D) == False
assert ("two" in D) == True

# Loop

for v in D.values():
        # uno
        # dos
        # tres

for k in D.keys():
        # one
        # two
        # three


Suppose you have a string and you want to count how many times each letter appears.
# Histogram
# How many times each letter appears
# To get a value use get(key, default) method
# Use for statement to traverse the keys of the dictionaries.
# The keys are in no order.

# string histogram

def histogram(str):
    dictionary = dict()
    for ch in str:
        if ch not in dictionary:
            dictionary[ch] = 1
            dictionary[ch] += 1
    return dictionary

assert histogram("google") != {}
assert histogram("google") != {'g': 0, 'o': 0, 'l': 0, 'e': 0}
assert histogram("google") == {'g': 2, 'o': 2, 'l': 1, 'e': 1}

# get(key, default)

assert histogram("yahoo").get('o') == 2
assert histogram("yahoo").get('o', 0) == 2

# foreach key, print value

h = histogram("google")
for k in h:
    print(k + ": " + str(h[k]))
        # g: 2
        # o: 2
        # l: 1
        # e: 1

# invert histogram - to map the frequencies to letters

def invert_histogram(d):
    dictionary = dict()
    for key in d:
        value = d[key]
        if value not in dictionary:
            dictionary[value] = [key]  # new row list
            dictionary[value].append(key)  # add to row list
    return dictionary

h = invert_histogram(histogram("google"))
for k in h:
    print(k, h[k])
        # 2 ['g', 'o']
        # 1 ['l', 'e']


The dictionary's keys have to be hashable.
# Dictionary hashes:
# A hash is a function that takes a value (on any kind) and returns an integer.
# Dictionaries use these integers to store and look up key-value pairs.
# The keys have to be hashable.
# Mutable types like lists are not hashable.

dict = {}
dict["one"] = 1
dict[1] = "abc"

print(dict) # {'one': 1, 1: 'abc'}

list = [1, 2]
# dict[list] = 3
    # TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

  Last update: 509 days ago